Move The Line
Hello! Have you ever known a super-Christian before? I’m not being facetious (this time). Seriously, have you ever known someone that was like…a step above most Christians? They aren’t prideful about it. Not “holier-than-thou.” But they just walk in...
A Potentially Powerful Moment For You
It’s January 1st, so let me ask you…what’s your resolution? Diet and exercise? Be nicer to people? Spend more time at home with the kids? Eat less donuts? Start reading these emails? I joke every year about how seldom we actually follow through on our resolutions and how we...
It ain’t easy, but it ain’t optional either…
This week, I’ve been reflecting on something that is both incredibly simple and deeply challenging: forgiveness. I’m sure we’ve all heard Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:14-15: For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do...
Tongues of Hellfire
Have you ever said something you regretted and thought, what just happened? Why did I say that? We all know the guy (or girl) who constantly lets stuff leak out of his mouth that shouldn’t (whether it’s filth or judgment or discouragement). But why is it so hard to control what comes...
To Live is Christ, and to Die is Gain
There's a famous passage in Philippians that you may have heard before -- "to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (1:21). I've been thinking about this verse recently. Just before it, the Apostle Paul writes that what has happened to him (imprisonment, beatings...