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Laurie Brown is the Women's Ministry Director of New Life Church.
Share Your Faith - SALT
Share Your Faith - What To Say
Share Your Faith - Telling Your Story
An Amazing Turn of Events Chapters 7-9
Share Your Faith - Hard Questions
The Sovereign Hand of God Chapters 5-6
In chapters 5 and 6 Xerxes holds out his golden scepter to Esther and welcomes her into his throne room. Evil Haman...
A Willing Queen - Chapters 3-4
In chapters 3-4, Queen Esther realizes she must take life or death risks to save the lives of her people. She rises...
God Appoints Esther Queen - Chapters 1-2
In Esther 1-2 we meet Vashti, Xerxes, and Esther and we see how the King's rash decision can't be repealed. Esther...