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Welcome to Sunny Costa Rica!

Posted by Cindy Schmidt

With a 4 am arrival time, 9 people, and 37 bags, our team left cold snowy Ohio for sunny Costa Rica! Despite a few grouchy airport workers we had 2 quick easy flights, followed by looooong lines in Immigration & baggage claim! We quickly got to work meeting with David & Angie to be briefed on the community, then Jeff led a meeting on spiritual warfare with the 20’s group. We began the daunting task of emptying & organizing many of those 37 bags full of VBS materials, teaching resources, CANDY, and backpacks for the kids who are getting ready to head back to school in early February. 

Here are a few pics of our long day - we are headed to bed shortly to be ready for church and soccer tomorrow- I hope we are watching & not playing, Yikes!! Our team is awesome & they have already jumped into their tasks & making friends! We’ll keep in touch - keep praying for us!