Dear New Life Family,
I know many of you have children or grandchildren, nieces or nephews who participate on sports teams. When my own kids were younger we spent most of our Saturday mornings (and many Friday nights) attending their games and events. And it was always a lot of fun to do so.
We’re all aware that whenever we attend any game or athletic contest there are two distinct groups of people present—there are the spectators and there are the players. There are those people who are sitting up in the bleachers, and then there are other people out on the gym floor or playing field.
This is patently obvious to all of us. It’s also true that we know the difference between the two groups…
Spectators are watching what’s happening.
Players make it happen.
Spectators clap and cheer for the players.
Players are actually engaged in the contest.
Spectators appreciate the talent out on the field.
Players use their talent to help their team win.
Spectators have a vicarious thrill, experiencing joy through the performance of the players.
Players experience the thrill personally and as a team—because they are actually in the game.
You know where I’m going with this, I’m sure.
When it comes to Team New Life, I’m wondering if you are a person who is mostly spectating, or if you have taken the step of GETTING IN THE GAME!
Our church is a huge team effort. I tell people this all the time. New Life is not built around the talents and abilities of one person. There’s no way all of the ministries and outreaches that touch so many people’s lives every week could survive if our church was built around just me or anyone else.
Just about everything we do at New Life is a team effort—discipling children, guiding students, loving our neighbors, community outreach, small group ministry, Sunday worship, missions work, and everything else. I’m convinced that Jesus’ design is for churches to function as Christ-directed, Spirit-filled TEAMS. That’s the best way to ensure sustainability, promote health, maximize effectiveness, and raise the joy level of everyone on the team.
So again, ARE YOU ON THE TEAM? Have you been content to sit in the stands and watch, or are you A PLAYER ACTUALLY PARTICIPATING IN THE GAME?
Many of you are. What a blessing you are to the team! But I still believe that far too many New Life attendees are content to cheer others on. Many days I dream about the powerful potential that would be unleashed if EVERYONE who called New Life their church home was actually in the game… worshiping, serving, giving, ministering, discipling, investing, caring—teaming up to make a difference in the world.
So… if an honest assessment would reveal that you have been more of a spectator at New Life, I’m asking you to consider the value of getting out of the stands and offering yourself to get in the game with the rest of us. Team New Life needs you in the game.
The FIRST STEP in getting in the game is TAKING OUR NEW LIFE CLASS. The next offering is coming up quickly, two consecutive Sunday nights on August 14 & 21. This is the starting point. It’s where you meet our “pastor-coaches”. It’s where you learn about New Life’s vision and mission and core values. We talk about where you might fit on the team. And we lay out a pathway for next steps to being engaged at a deeper level.
So how about it? Are you ready to take that step? If so, simply register HERE for the upcoming class. If you do I’ll look forward to seeing you for session #1 at 5:30pm on the 14th in room 205. Pizza and childcare will be provided at no cost because we want our prospective team members to be able to give their full focus to learning the gameplan.
But maybe you’re already a member of Team New Life, but for some reason your role on the team changed somewhere along the line, and you’ve found yourself up in the bleachers again. I’d love to hear from you too, especially if the Lord is prompting you to get BACK IN the game. I’m confident there’s a good-fit spot on the team again. Let’s talk about it, OK?
Well, for Shirley and I, we are life-long members of Team New Life. What a joy it’s been to serve together in so many ways through the years. We believe our team’s winningest seasons are still ahead of us, and we look forward to seeing how God will use New Life in thousands of peoples’ lives in the years to come.
Pastor Steve