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Dearest Church Family,

I’ve discovered that people are just different. Some people like to know everything. Others are content to just know about stuff that directly affects them. Neither are good or bad. People are just different.

Not knowing which of these best describes YOU I just thought I’d offer you a bunch of newsy New Life updates that perhaps you might want to know about. Of course, if you’re in that latter group you’ll likely take a pass. But if you’re in that first curious group, well then, here are “Twelve Tidbits You Might Not Have Known”…

• Our KidzLife Director Darcy just married off her youngest son, Joey (which is amazing since she is only in her 30’s :). She and husband Brad are thrilled to have a new daughter-in-law!

• Thirty of our “seasoned saints” came together on Saturday in our café and enjoyed a scrumptious brunch and lively discussion of “Heaven: Our Glorious Hope” courtesy of Mrs. Claire Robbins and her delightful team of host helpers. It was a great time!

• The sale of the (former) Harley-Davidson Dealership property and building out on East Broad Street has finally been completed! If you’re new to New Life I realize you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about. Just know it’s something that’s been in the works for nearly two years. The sale proceeds were applied to our newly-refinanced (and drastically-reduced) mortgage and now we can see the possibility of New Life being completely out of debt in five years. Praise God!

• We’re working towards reviving our Security Team Ministry on Sunday mornings (Yay!). If you’re interested in being considered for membership on that team just reply to this email with “Security” and you will be contacted soon!

• If you don’t have firm plans for the Thanksgiving Day meal you can join Shirley and I here in the New Life Café at 4PM for a delicious dinner with some other New Life folks. Just REPLY HERE to let us know you intend to come!

• Over 60 New Lifers have now participated in E3 Workshops this Fall (“Everyone Equipped to Evangelize”). I attended Tuesday night’s offering and it was great! So helpful in equipping all of us to become more confident about sharing our faith in Jesus. I hope you’ll get in on the next one on December 4.

• We now have a “Creative Collective” Group that Jared Vanderbeck has put together. This crew of Jesus-loving creative thinkers is brainstorming ideas for making our 2022 Celebration of Christ’s birth meaningful and memorable. Stay tuned!

• Our good brother and area rep for LifeWise Academy, Mr. Vince Coleman, will be back with us this Sunday and ready to preach up a storm. Don’t miss it!

• There are still some tags available signifying gifts needing to be purchased for local area children for the upcoming Gahanna Gift Shop event on December 10. Check out the display in the lobby soon!

• Over 100 children regularly participate in our weekly AWANA Program for kids on Wednesday evenings. Nearly 40 volunteers make it happen every week and love serving our families in this way. Come by the church some Wednesday night and check out all the bustling activity going on.

Marriage Matters” is happening TOMORROW at 7pm. I’m so thrilled that we can offer this quarterly boost for married couples. This session is titled “Snapshots” and will feature New Life couples sharing. Thank you, Pastor Brett, for heading this up (and Margie Gyde for supporting the effort). If you’ve never been come on out!

• Teammate Spotlight: Dave Dunning. Dave is our long-time Facilities Director. He not only just passed a big-time birthday milestone (ask him) but he’s also about ready to mark 30 years on our staff team keeping our buildings clean and ready for the hundreds of various events, classes, meetings, meals, parties, funerals, weddings, and other activities that take place here every month. I love that Dave has always viewed his work through the bigger lens of gospel impact. He’s an all-in, sold-out-for-Jesus type of guy who does his work with diligence and integrity. Bless you, Dave!

Well, there you have it. You’re now among the most-informed people in our church :) .

May your day be blessed and let’s look forward to once again worshiping together on Sunday.

Pastor Steve    


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